There are many parts that add up to the sum of a person`s
personality. Physical attractiveness, childhood experiences, cultural or
religious values, and of course, genetics, are just some of the factors
that play a part in the creation of one`s personality.
We are told to believe that because of the above mentioned
factors, that we are all unique human beings. Different. We are all
"special" in some way.
According to the Myers-briggs personality type indicator
(MBTI) that may just be wishful thinking on our part.
If you do not know what your personality type is, please
find out at
and judge for yourself how accurate the above mentioned statement
I will hereby attempt to convey my personality according to
the MBTI. I have taken the MBTI -test quite a few times by now, during various
developmental phases, and the two types that are most consistent is the INTJ
and/or the ENTJ.
For INTJs (like myself) the dominant force in my life is my
attention to the inner world of possibilities, symbols, abstractions,
images, and thoughts. Insight in conjunction with logical analysis is the
essence of my approach to the world.
Ideas are the substance of life for people like me and I
have a driving need to understand, to know, and to demonstrate competence in my
areas of interest. I inherently trust my own insights, and because
I am task-orientation will work intensely to turn my visions into
For ENTJs (like myself) the driving force in my life
is the need to analyse and bring into logical order the outer world of
events, people, and things. ENTJs are natural leaders who build conceptual
models that serve as plans for strategic action. Intuition orients their
thinking to the future, and gives their thinking an abstract quality.
I will actively pursue and direct others in the pursuit of
my ( I mean our) goals , and I prefer a world that is structured and
I can write a novel about my ambivalent thoughts about my
personality type(s), and I will share it another time.
But for now, I hope all is well
Personality girl.
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