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Monday, 18 December 2017
Thursday, 29 September 2016
What is it like writing about the Myers-Briggs personality test?
This past week, I have been asked by a fellow blogger what it is like to write a blog about the Myers-Briggs personality test (and other random psychology facts)
The question took me by surprise, and as I did not have an immediate answer, I used a avoidance/evasive technique, I redirected the question back at my fellow blogger: "What is it like blogging about selfies?" I asked. Naturally the conversation that followed was not about me
During the day, I thought about the question, and decided to answer this peculiar question by dedicating this week`s post to it
First, I want to state writing in general is something of a hobby for me. I prefer writing non fiction above fiction, and reflective pieces and academic essays are two of my favorite genres. Naturally, this means that I also like reading, doing research and learning about new things.
As I have mentioned in my previous posts, psychology and specifically, personality tests are something of a pet peeve of mine.
This means that I admit I enjoy writing this blog, and am even thinking about continuing it. (Naturally only after I have completed the rest of my academic workload for this year)
I have enjoyed writing about the Myers-Briggs test as I think I have introduced the test to the rest (okay, more like some) of my classmates. After all, they are my main audience, for the time being, at least :)
We are in the process of doing a lot of self reflection and personal improvements as part of our curriculum, so I hope that my blog was helpful for some.
Researching some random psychological facts and doing more in-depth research about the test (and having a clearly defined purpose for doing it) was particularly interesting, as I have learned more about the test. I have discovered there are various articles written about Myers-Briggs types that are both funny and insightful. My favorite is a collection of articels on a website called thought catalog Articels include, What each type does at a party, defintion of hell for each type etc. http://thoughtcatalog.com/tag/myers-briggs/
Designing my blog was also a very fun part for me. I wanted a blog that is visually stimulating, so that it attracts more people and is ecstatically pleasing. Playing around with digital art is also something I enjoy doing.
To be honest, I think I spent more time on the layout and colour design, than I think is psychologically sound, but hey, it is for a good cause.
So this is by no means my last post
Until next time
Personality Girl
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